Everyone, from the elite athlete to the average individual, can sustain a shoulder injury. There are several common shoulder injuries, and each has its own causes, symptoms, and treatment plan. If you've suffered a shoulder injury, your treatment plan needs to treat the negative symptoms and address the issue at the source. A custom-tailored treatment plan designed for your specific shoulder injury will restore full function and mobility to your shoulder and promote optimal healing so that you can live pain-free.


Three Most Common Shoulder Injuries

1. Rotator Cuff Injury

Rotator cuff injuries are common injuries that affect the shoulder. The rotator cuff comprises both tendons and muscles around the shoulder joint. Rotator cuff injuries typically result from overuse or an accident.

Athletes who perform repetitive movements that stress the shoulder, including tennis, baseball, and even competitive bodybuilding or general weight training, can all sustain a rotator cuff injury. Additionally, those who work jobs requiring heavy lifting or repetitive daily shoulder use are also at risk of this condition.

Symptoms + Treatment Protocol

The most common symptoms of a rotator cuff injury include weakness of the arm below the affected shoulder, pain that increases at night and often interferes with sleep, a dull, aching sensation in the shoulder, and reduced mobility. Typical treatment plans include physical therapy to promote increased strength, mobility, and flexibility in the area. Severe injuries like a rotator cuff tear may require surgical intervention for ultimate treatment.

2. Shoulder Sprain

Shoulder sprains typically occur when the ligaments in the shoulder are overstretched in an unnatural direction. Some of the most common causes of this condition include accidents, falling on the shoulder, direct force to the shoulder, and sports injuries. In some cases, the ligaments in the area can tear.

Symptoms + Treatment Protocol

Some of the most common symptoms of a shoulder sprain include inflammation, reduced or loss of mobility of the affected shoulder, pain, and tenderness. The treatment protocol for a sprained shoulder typically includes physical therapy to improve mobility and promote healing, ice, rest, and the use of a sling to stabilize the affected area.

3. Shoulder Tendonitis

Shoulder tendonitis is another common shoulder injury in which the rotator cuff becomes inflamed, and pain and inflammation can often extend into the biceps tendon. This condition often occurs due to a sports injury, tendon overuse, and overloading of the area.

Symptoms + Treatment Protocol

Symptoms of shoulder tendonitis include pain, reduced mobility, tenderness, and decreased shoulder strength. The typical treatment protocol for shoulder tendonitis includes rest, ice, anti-inflammatory medication use to reduce inflammation, and sometimes surgery, depending on whether the rotator cuff or biceps tendon sustains a tear as a result of the injury.

If you're suffering from one of these shoulder injuries or are uncertain about the root cause of your shoulder pain, we can help!

Contact us today to learn more about our services, our facilities, and how we can help create a treatment plan that enables you to heal and regain full mobility of your shoulder!


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