Fireworks Safety: Remember, Fireworks Can Still Burn After the Holidays!

The Hand Center of San Antonio hopes that our friends in the greater San Antonio area had a wonderful and safe holiday.  If you have fireworks left over after the July 4th celebrations, remember to continue to exercise caution and practice fireworks safety to avoid hand injuries and other accidents.  Fireworks can still cause serious injuries...even after the holidays.  We tend to see many hand injuries that could have been avoided by following simple fireworks safety guidelines.

Please take a look at this infographic, commissioned by Dr. James M. Saucedo, Hand Surgeon at the Hand Center of San Antonio, and Dr. Nicholas P. Steinour, Emergency Medicine Physician in Waco, Texas, to promote public fireworks safety and prevent hand injuries and other accidents.  Most importantly, if you or a loved one experiences a hand injury or fireworks accident, please be sure to seek medical attention immediately.  Enjoy your summer, and remember our fireworks safety tips below to keep fireworks safe and fun for all!


Congrats to Becky Hammon and the Spurs - Summer League Champions!


safety tips for 4th of July!